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The Kural

Part Two

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Ascetic Pretense

Verse 271 Undeceived by a deceiver's duplicity, His own five elements silently mock him.

Verse 272 Of what avail is an outer appearance of saintliness, If the mind suffers inwardly from knowledge of its iniquity?

Verse 273 He who has not attained the power yet wears the garb of saints Is like a cow that grazes about wearing a tiger's skin.

Verse 274 He who conceals himself beneath saintly robes and commits sins Is like the hunter who hides in the bushes to snare unwary birds.

Verse 275 When those who claim dispassion act deceitfully, The day will come when they exclaim, "Alas! Alas! What have I done?"

Verse 276 None is so heartless as he who, without renunciation in his heart, Poses as a renunciate and lives fraudulently.

Verse 277 Like the poisonous jequirity seed, with its bright and black sides, There are outwardly dazzling men whose insides are dark.

Verse 278 Many are the men who piously bath in purifying waters, While in their dark hearts impure conduct lies concealed.

Verse 279 The arrow is straight but cruel; the lute is crooked but sweet. Therefore, judge men by their acts, not their appearance.

Verse 280 Neither shaven head nor long locks are required, Provided one refrains from conduct condemned by the world.

Avoidance of Fraud

Verse 281 If a man wishes not to be scorned by others, He will secure his own mind against the merest thought of fraud.

Verse 282 The mere thought of sin is sin. Therefore, Avoid even the thought of stealing from another.

Verse 283 The fortune that is amassed by fraud may appear to prosper But it will soon perish altogether.

Verse 284 Finding delight in defrauding others yields the fruit Of undying suffering when those delights ripen.

Verse 285 Benevolent thoughts and affectionate feelings flee from those Who watch for another's' un watchfulness to swindle his property.

Verse 286 They who follow deceit's desirous path Cannot hope to work wisdom's measured way.

Verse 287 The dark deceits of fraud cannot be found In the hearts of those who desire the greatness called virtue.

Verse 288 As righteousness resides in the hearts of the virtuous, So does deceit dwell in the hearts of thieves.

Verse 289 Knowing nothing but deviousness, Men die each time they contrive their corrupt deeds.

Verse 290 Even the life in his body will abandon him who defrauds others, But heaven itself never forsakes those who are honest.


Verse 291 What is truthfulness? It is the speaking of words Which are entirely free from harmful effects.

Verse 292 Even falsehood is of the nature of truth, If it gives good results free from fault.

Verse 293 Let a man not speak as truth what he knows to be false, For his conscience will scorch him when he has lied.

Verse 294 He who lives truly in his own heart, Truly lives in the hearts of all people.

Verse 295 Those who speak only truth from the heart Surpass even penitents and philanthropists.

Verse 296 No prestige surpasses the absence of falsehood; All other virtues flow from it effortlessly.

Verse 297 Not lying, and merely not lying, is beneficial For those who can't practice and won't practice other virtues.

Verse 298 Water is sufficient to cleanse the body, But only truthfulness will purify the mind.

Verse 299 Not all lamps are effective lamps. The lamp of non lying is the wise man's lamp.

Verse 300 Among all great truths which we have ever beheld, Not one can equal the goodness of veracity.

Avoidance of Anger

Verse 301 It is restraint that restrains anger when it can injure. If it cannot harm, what does restraint really matter?

Verse 302 Anger is wrong even when it cannot cause injury, But when it can, there is nothing more iniquitous.

Verse 303 Forget anger toward all who have offended you, For from anger springs a multitude of wrongs.

Verse 304 The face's smile and the heart's joy are slain by anger. Does there exist a greater enemy than one's own anger?

Verse 305 If a man would be his own guard, let him guard against anger. Left unguarded, his own wrath will slay him.

Verse 306 Drawing near it, men are engulfed in fury's' fire, Which burns even rescuing friends and family.

Verse 307 As a man trying to touch the ground with his hand cannot fail, So one who treasures his temper will doubtlessly be destroyed.

Verse 308 Even when others inflict wrongs as painful as the touch of blazing Torches, it is good if a man can refrain from anger.

Verse 309 If angry thoughts never invoke his mind, A man's other thoughts may instantly manifest.

Verse 310 As men who have died resemble the dead, So men who have renounced anger resemble renunciates.

Avoidance of Injuring Others

Verse 311 If hurting others would bring princely riches, The pure in heart would still refuse.

Verse 312 It is the principle of the pure in heart never to injure others, Even when they themselves have been hatefully injured.

Verse 313 Having others, even enemies who harmed you unprovoked, Assures incessant sorrow.

Verse 314 If you return kindness for injuries received and forget both, Those who harmed you will be punished by their own shame.

Verse 315 What good is a man's knowledge unless it prompts him to Prevent the pain of others as if it were his own pain?

Verse 316 Any actions which a man knows would harm himself He should not inflict on others.

Verse 317 The supreme principle is this: Never knowingly Harm anyone at any time in any way

Verse 318 Why does he who knows what injury to his own life is like Inflict injury on other living human beings?

Verse 319 If a man inflicts sorrow on another in the morning, Sorrow will come to him unbidden in the afternoon.

Verse 320 All suffering recoils on the wrongdoer himself. Therefore, those who Desire not to suffer refrain from causing others pain.

Avoidance of Killing

Verse 321 What is virtuous conduct? It is never destroying life, For killing leads to every other sin.

Verse 322 Of all the virtues summed by ancient sages the foremost are these: To partake of food one has shared and to protect all living creatures.

Verse 323 Not killing is the first and foremost good. The virtue of not lying comes next.

Verse 324 What is the good way? It is the path that reflects on How it may avoid killing any living creature.

Verse 325 Among all who disown the world out of dismay, the foremost are They who, dismayed with death-dealing, embrace non-killing.

Verse 326 Life-devouring death will not assail the living days Of one whose code of conduct is to never kill.

Verse 327 Refrain from taking precious life from any living being, Even to save your own life.

Verse 328 By sacrifice of life some gain great wealth and good, But sagacious men scorn such gains.

Verse 329 Those whose trade is killing creatures are deemed defiled By men who know the defiling nature of being mean.

Verse 330 They say the beggar who suffers a sore ridden body and deprived life Once deprived another's body of life.

Impermanence of All Things

Verse 331 There is no baser folly than the infatuation That looks upon the transient as if it were everlasting.

Verse 332 Amassing great wealth is gradual, like the gathering of a theater Crowd. Its dispersal is sudden, like that same crowd departing.

Verse 333 Wealth's nature is to be un-enduring. Upon acquiring it, do that which is enduring right away.

Verse 334 Though it seems a harmless gauge of time, a day, To those who fathom its form, is a saw steadily cutting the tree of life.

Verse 335 Do good deeds with urgency, Before death's approaching rattle strangles the tongue.

Verse 336 What wondrous greatness this world possesses- That yesterday a man was, and today he is not.

Verse 337 Man does not know if he will live another moment, Yet his thoughts are ten

million and more.

Verse 338 The soul's attachment to the body resembles a fledgling Which forsakes its empty shell and flies away.

Verse 339 Death is like falling asleep, And birth is like waking from that sleep.

Verse 340 Not yet having a permanent home, The soul takes temporary shelter in the body.


Verse 341 Whatsoever a man has renounced, From the sorrow born of that he has freed himself.

Verse 342 After a man has renounced, he enjoys the many true things in this World. Let men desiring that renounce in time.

Verse 343 The five senses must be subdued And every desire simultaneously surrendered.

Verse 344 The mendicant's poverty permits not a single possession, For possessions draws him back into delusion.

Verse 345 What are life's petty attachments to the man who seeks severance From future births, when even his body is a burden?

Verse 346 He who slays the conceit which clamors "I" and "mine" Will enter a realm above the celestials' world.

Verse 347 If one clings to his attachments, refusing to let go, Sorrows will not let go their grip on him.

Verse 348 Those who renounce totally reach the highest peak; The rest remain ensnared in delusions net.

Verse 349 Birth ceases when all attachments are severed; Otherwise, one beholds unceasingly the transitoriness of life.

Verse 350 Attach yourself to Him who is free from all attachments. Bind yourself to that bond in order that all other bonds may be broken.

Knowledge of Truth

Verse 351 The delusion which mistakes the unreal for the Real Is the genesis of woeful births.

Verse 352 For those of undimmed perception, free from delusion, Darkness departs and rapture rushes in.

Verse 353 To those who have dispelled all doubt and perceive Truth, Heaven is nearer than earth.

Verse 354 All knowledge acquired through the five senses is worthless To those without knowledge of truth.

Verse 355 In everything of every kind whatsoever, Wisdom perceives Truth in that thing.

Verse 356 Those who find Divine Truth in this world Follow a path which never comes back to this world.

Verse 357 Those who think with certitude and ponder well that which is, Need never think of being born again.

Verse 358 Banishing the folly of rebirth and thus beholding Perfections True Being-that is wisdom.

Verse 359 The ruinous griefs that he is yet to suffer will not cleave to him who, Renouncing other supports, realizes life's true Support.

Verse 360 Desire, detesting and delusion-the annihilation of these three names Is the annihilation of suffering endured.

Eradication of Desire

Verse 361 At all times and to all creatures The seed of ceaseless births is desire.

Verse 362 If you must desire, desire freedom from birth. That will only come by desiring desirelessness.

Verse 363 Here no fortune is as dear as desirelessness; And even there nothing like it can be found.

Verse 364 Purity is but freedom from desire, And that is achieved by desiring to know Truth.

Verse 365 They say only those who have renounced desire are renunciates. Others do not share the same attainment

Verse 366 As it is desire, above all else, which deceives a man, Ascetics dread it judiciously.

Verse 367 When a renunciate ceases the deeds of desire, Deliverance isters, allies and fortresses.


Verse 382 Four are the characteristics which a king cannot lack: Fearlessness, generosity, wisdom and industriousness.

Verse 383 In those who rule the land these three must never lapse: Vigilance, valiance and virtuous learning.

Verse 384 He is a true king who, unswerving in virtue, Restrains wrongdoing, and, steadfast in courage, maintains his honor.

Verse 385 A king is he who can amass a treasury of wealth, Store it, guard it and expend it wisely.

Verse 386 All peoples praise that nation whose sovereign Is always accessible and never speaks severely.

Verse 387 Behold the King who speaks sweetly, gives generously and Protects powerfully- the world, esteems his word its command.

Verse 388 Ruling righteously himself and safeguarding subjects from others, A monarch may be deemed divine by his people.

Verse 389 The world abides protected beneath the umbrella Of a virtuous king who can abide words bitter to the ear.

Verse 390 He is a light ruler who is endowed with the four merits Of generosity, graciousness, justice and care for the people.


Verse 391 Learn perfectly all that you learn, and Thereafter keep your conduct worthy of that learning.

Verse 392 Two are the eyes of those who truly live- One is called numbers and the other letters.

Verse 393 The learned have eyes that see, they say. The unlearned have but two sores on their face.

Verse 394 It is the learned mans prowess that meetings Bring delight and departures leave pleasant thoughts.

Verse 395 Amidst the learned be humble, as those possessing nothing are before The prosperous. Those who fail thus to learn are the lowest of men.

Verse 396 The deeper a sand-well is dug the freer is its flow of water. Even so, the deeper a man's learning the greater is his wisdom.

Verse 397 When every country our village could be his own, How can a man dwell unlearned to his death?

Verse 398 Learning a man secures in one birth Will secure his well-being in seven.

Verse 399 When the learned see that the learning that delights them Delights the world as well, they love learning even more.

Verse 400 A man's learning is an imperishable and precious wealth. All other possessions are less golden.

The Neglect of Learning

Verse 401 Speaking to a learned gathering without full knowledge, Is like playing a dice game without the board.

Verse 402 An unlearned man desiring to be eloquent, Is like a breastless women longing to be feminine.

Verse 403 Even the ignorant will be deemed wise If they refrain from speaking in the presence of the learned.

Verse 404 However excellent an unlearned man's knowledge may be, Knowledgeable men will never take it.

Verse 405 An unlearned man's self-conceit will shrivel The moment he speaks to an assembly.

Verse 406 Like unproductive barren land is the man who has neglected learning. All that can be said about him is that he exists.

Verse 407 The goodness and beauty of him whose knowledge Is neither subtle nor penetrating are like that of a painted clay doll.

Verse 408 Even more wretched than a learned man's poverty Is the unlearned man's wealth.

Verse 409 Though humbly born, a learned man's nobility Transcends that of the unlearned noble man.

Verse 410 As men are to feral beasts, so are the luminaries Of knowledge compared to unlearned men.

Listening to the Learned

Verse 411 The most precious wealth is the wealth acquired by the ear Indeed, of all wealth that wealth is the crown.

Verse 412 Only when no nourishment exists for the ear Is it time to offer the stomach a morsel.

Verse 413 There are men who find listening a feast for there ears. On earth they resemble deities who feast from sacrificial fires

Verse 414 Even though he has no learning, if a man but listens to the learned That will be his staff of strength in adversity.

Verse 415 Words for the lips of upright men Are like a steadying staff in a slippery place.

Verse 416 However little, let a man to good things Even that little will enhance his greatness.

Verse 417 Those who have studied deeply and listened diligently will never speak Foolish words, even when they have wrongly understood a matter.

Verse 418 Ears may hear and yet remain deaf If not pierced by sharp listening.

Verse 419 For a man to speak with humility is indeed rare, Unless he has listened to learning's subtlety.

Verse 420 There are men whose tongues can taste but whose ears never savor. What does it matter that they live or die.

Possession of Wisdom

Verse 421 Wisdom is a weapon with which a man may ward off destruction; It is an inner fortress which no enemy can assail.

Verse 422 Wisdom will harness the mind, diverting it From wrong and directing it toward right.

Verse 423 In whatever matter and from whomever heard, Wisdom will witness its true meaning.

Verse 424 Wisdom speaks well, conveying each meaning clearly, And listens for the subtlest sense in others' speech.

Verse 425 Men of wisdom befriend the wise and keep that friendship constant, Not opening and closing like the petaled lotus.

Verse 426 It is wisdom to live in the world As the world lives.

Verse 427 Those who know, know what it is to be. The unknowing know this not.

Verse 428 It is folly not to fear what ought to be feared. Therefore, the wise dread what ought to be dreaded.

Verse 429 Fearsome sufferings shall never happen To the wise who guard against future happenings.

Verse 430 Those who possess wisdom possess everything. Whatever others possess, without wisdom they have nothing.

Guarding Against Faults

Verse 431 Those who are free

from arrogance, anger, and lust Will prosper in great dignity.

Verse 432 Avarice, arrogance and crude amusements are flaws In the characters of an unfit king.

Verse 433 Though their fault is as small as a millet seed, To those who dread disgrace it will appear as large as a palm tree.

Verse 434 His own faults are a man's mortal enemies. Therefore, to guard against them is life's gravest concern.

Verse 435 The fortune of a man who does not guard against failings before they Manifest will perish like a stack of straw before a flaming fire.

Verse 436 What fault exists in a king who eradicates his own faults Before examining the faults in others?

Verse 437 The wealth of one who, out of avarice, fails to do what should be done Will vanish without the slightest vestige.

Verse 438 When faults are reckoned, one remains apart- The greedy grasping known as avariciousness.

Verse 439 Never indulge in admiring yourself. Never desire deeds that do not benefit others.

Verse 440 Delighting in life's pleasures privately Nullifies the conspiring schemes of foes.

Gaining Support from the Great

Verse 441 Those who ponder the value of friends whose wisdom and goodness Are mature, will plan the means, then acquire such friendships.

Verse 442 There are men who allay today's trials and avert tomorrow's troubles. Befriend and look after them.

Verse 443 To cherish and befriend men of greatness Is the rarest of all rare things.

Verse 444 To live among advising friends who are greater than himself Is foremost among a man's strength.

Verse 445 Knowing that ministers function as a monarch's eyes, A king looks at ministers meticulously before engaging them.

Verse 446 A man's foes are rendered ineffective If he can live in fellowship among the worthy.

Verse 447 Who can destroy the man who has the friendship Of helpful advisors who will not hesitate to admonish him?

Verse 448 With no one to reprove and thus protect him, A king will be destroyed, though no one seeks his destruction.

Verse 449 Profit is not for those who have no capital, nor is stability For those who lack the support of faithful friends.

Verse 450 It is harmful to make a multitude of foes, but it is ten times worse To give up the friendship of the worthy.

Avoidance of Base Company

Verse 451 Men of greatness dread base company, But the low-minded consider them kinsmen.

Verse 452 As water changes according to the soil through which it flows, So does a man assimilate the character of his associates.

Verse 453 By knowing his thoughts, a man's mind is discovered. By knowing his associates, his character is revealed.

Verse 454 Wisdom, appearing to originate in a man's mind, Has its source in his companions.

Verse 455 Purity of mind and purity of conduct-these two Depend upon the purity of a man's companions.

Verse 456 Good progeny comes to a pure-minded men. Their pure companions keep pure deeds away.

Verse 457 Wealth will be given to good-minded men, And all glory granted by good company.

Verse 458 Even perfect men, possessing the mind's full goodness, Are fortified by good fellowship.

Verse 459 Goodness of mind leads to bliss in the next world, And even this is secured by the company of good men.

Verse 460 There exists no greater aid then good fellowship, And no greater affliction than evil fraternity.

Deliberation Before Action

Verse 461 Before undertaking a project, ponder what will be gained, Lost and ultimately achieved.

Verse 462 There is nothing too difficult for a man who, before he acts, Deliberates with chosen friends and reflects privately.

Verse 463 The wise never undertake an enterprise Which rashly risks existing capitol to reach for potential profits.

Verse 464 Those who dread derision and disgrace Will not commence a task that is unclear.

Verse 465 To strike out without a well-pondered plan Is one way to cultivate an enemies' strength.

Verse 466 To do that which ought not to be done will bring ruin, And not to do that which ought to be done will also bring ruin.

Verse 467 Embark upon an action after careful thought. It is folly to say, "Let us begin the task now and think about it later."

Verse 468 Unless painstakingly performed, a task will not succeed Even if men in multitudes support it.

Verse 469 Even in the performance of good deeds a man may error, If he does not consider the recipient's unique nature.

Verse 470 Having reflected, let a man's actions lie above blame. The world will never approve of acts which lie beneath him.

Understanding Strength

Verse 471 The prudent act after weighing the strength a deed demands, One's own strength and the strengths of allies and opposition.

Verse 472 Nothing is impossible for those who perceive the nature and the means Of their task and proceed with determination.

Verse 473 Ignorant of their strengths, many plunge zealously Into projects, only to miscarry midway.

Verse 474 How swiftly men perish who praise themselves, un-appraised of Their real measure and unable to live peacefully with others.

Verse 475 Load too many of them and even peacock feathers Would break the cart's axle.

Verse 476 He who has climbed out to the tip of a tree branch And attempts to climb further will forfeit his life.

Verse 477 Know The measure of your capacity to give, then give accordingly- Such clarity is the way wealth is preserved.

Verse 478 A small income is no cause for failure, Provided expenditures do not exceed it.

Verse 479 The wealth of a man who lives unaware of his own measure, Appears to exist, then disappears without a trace.

Verse 480 Unless weighed with prudence, a philanthropist's wealth Will promptly perish, measure by measure.

Understanding Timeliness

Verse 481 A crow can overcome a powerful owl in the daytime. A king desiring to defeat his enemy must pick the proper time.

Verse 482 A man may firmly bind himself to prosperity By the cord called timely action.

Verse 483 Is there any task too difficult for the man who acts At the right time and employs the proper means?

Verse 484 One may aim to acquire the whole world and succeed, If actions are aimed at the right time and place.

Verse 485 Those who aim to own the world Must wait, unruffled, for the fitting hour.

Verse 486 The patient restraint of the powerful man is like the drawing back Of the fighting ram before it smites the stunning blow.

Verse 487 When angered, men of understanding never show it outwardly then and There. Holding it inside, they watch for an opportune moment.

Verse 488 Bow humbly when greeting an enemy. His own head will bow humiliated when in time he greets defeat.

Verse 489 When a rare opportunity comes, do not hesitate, But swiftly accomplish tasks that are otherwise impossible.

Verse 490 There are times to stay still as a stalking heron. There are times to move swiftly as a heron's strike.

Understanding the Right Place

Verse 491 Neither deride the opposition nor initiate a campaign Until you possess the strategic place from which to strike.

Verse 492 In battle a fortified place yields numerous advantages, Even to those possessing power and prowess.

Verse 493 Even the weak may powerfully prevail if they choose the right Field of action, establish good defenses and then fight well.

Verse 494 When an attacker attacks from a strategic location His enemies' thoughts of conquest become unthinkable.

Verse 495 In the river's depths the crocodile is unconquerable, But others may defeat it if it departs those waters.

Verse 496 The massive chariot with mighty wheels cannot sail the sea, Nor can the ocean-going ship traverse the land.

Verse 497 Fearlessness is the only friend one needs, If ceaselessly he ponders from which place to pounce.

Verse 498 If a large army assails a well-entrenched small army, Its power will be repelled and it will retreat.

Verse 499 Even if they have neither potent resources nor strong fortresses, It is difficult to conquer a people on their own soil.

Verse 500 The fearless elephant may slaughter a multitude of warriors Yet be slain by a single jackal if his legs sink in muddy marsh.

Testing and Trusting Men

Verse 501 A man should be chosen after passing the four-fold test Of virtue, wealth, pleasure and fear of death.

Verse 502 Place trust in a man of good family, free from faults Of a modest nature that dreads reproach.

Verse 503 Even faultless and deeply learned men, when closely examined, Are rarely found to be entirely free from ignorance.

Verse 504 Weigh a man's merits and weigh his faults Then judge him according to the greater.

Verse 505 The touchstone which discloses a man's greatness Or smallness is simply this-his deeds.

Verse 506 Beware of trusting men who have no kin, Being attached to people, they are unashamed of peccancy.

Verse 507 When one employs a know-nothing out of affection, He engages all kinds of foolishness.

Verse 508 To trust a stranger without investigation Invite troubles so endless even descendants must endure.

Verse 509 Lacking investigation, lend your trust to no one. Having investigated Entrust a man with matters for which he has proven trustworthy.

Verse 510 To trust a man who has not been tested and to suspect a man Who has proven trustworthy lead to endless ills.

Testing and Employing Men

Verse 511 Employ those men who discern the good and the bad effects In every undertaking and choose the good.

Verse 512 Let him do the work who can supplement revenues, Spread prosperity and search out problems.

Verse 513 Let him alone be trusted who fully possesses these four: Kindness, intelligence, assurance and freedom from greed.

Verse 514 Though tested fully under simulated conditions, Many men function differently under working conditions.

Verse 515 Work should be entrusted to men on the basis of their knowledge And diligence and not merely on the bonds of affection.

Verse 516 Consider the work, choose the workman, Conceive the timing with care, then commence.

Verse 517 Having decided, "This man is qualified to do this work in this way," Entrust him to his task.

Verse 518 After ascertaining what work befits a man, Assign him to a fitting task. Verse

519 Wealth withdraws from the man who won't understand The natural friendliness his workers wish to share with him.

Verse 520 Let the king scrutinize his staff's conduct daily. If they do not go astray, the world will not go astray.

Fellowship of Kindred

Verse 521 When a man's wealth has disappeared, his kinsmen alone Will maintain their customary kindness. Verse 522 If a man's kindred cleave to him with unfailing love, His fortunes will never fail to flourish.

Verse 523 Pursuing a happy life without mixing with kinsmen Is like pouring water into a barrel which has no staves.

Verse 524 The real profit gained by giving riches Is as one may then live surrounded by kindred.

Verse 525 Multitudes of kinsmen will gather around the man Who gives generously and
speaks sweetly.

Verse 526 In this wide world none enjoys a more faithful family Than he who hands out large gifts and holds back anger.

Verse 527 The crow does not conceal its food but calls its kind to share it; Prosperity will abide with men of such a nature.

Verse 528 The multitudes thrive when they perceive their monarch Perceiving each one's merits, not seeing mere sameness in all.

Verse 529 Close kinsmen who have become estranged Will come back when the cause of disagreement goes away.

Verse 530 When one who left him returns with good reason, The king may, after careful reflection, receive him back.

Avoidance of Unmindfulness

Verse 531 Excessive anger is a great harm, but greater still is The unmindfulness born of excessive pleasure.

Verse 532 Just as perpetual poverty slowly slays one's knowledge, So does frequent forgetfulness destroy one's prestige.

Verse 533 Unmindful men will never know renown. This is the verdict of every virtuous text in the world.

Verse 534 There is nothing that will provide defense for the cowardly, And there is nothing that will produce good for the incautious.

Verse 535 The unmindful man who fails to guard beforehand Against impending threats will afterwards regret his negligence.

Verse 536 Nothing can compare to unforgetfulness. Extended unfailingly to all people at all times.

Verse 537 There is nothing too difficult for the man who Consciously conceives and carefully executes his work.

Verse 538 One should do that which men extol as praiseworthy. Forgetting This and failing to perform brings deprivation lasting seven births.

Verse 539 Whenever the mind is engrossed in pleasant infatuations, One may remember men ruined by forgetfulness.

Verse 540 It is easy to get what you think of, If you can get yourself to think of it.


Just Reign

Verse 541 Investigate well, show favor to none, maintain impartiality, Consult the law, then give judgment-that is the way of justice.

Verse 542 All the world looks to the rain cloud for sustenance. All the people look to the king's scepter for protection.

Verse 543 Even the priest's scriptures and all virtues therein Rely on the king's scepter for sustenance.

Verse 544 The world will enduringly embrace the feet of a great kingdom's monarch Who lovingly embraces subjects under his justice-wielding scepter.

Verse 545 Rain and rich harvests arise together. In a country whose sovereign swing his scepter lawfully.

Verse 546 Victory is not won by the lance, But by the king's scepter, provided it is not unjust.

Verse 547 A potentate protests all earthly realms. Will undoubtedly fall from power and perish.

Verse 548 A ruler who remains inaccessible, neither listening nor judging Attentively will undoubtedly fall from power and perish.

Verse 549 No fault befalls the king, who, in guarding and caring for his Subjects, punishes wrongdoers-for that is his duty.

Verse 550 A king punishing cruel criminals by execution Is like a farmer removing weeds from cultivated fields.